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  1. Take email data like email id, subject and message and send it by given field and earn with this.
  2. You can take any available paid job from this earning.
  3. You can send maximum 10 email per day only in free plan.
  4. In payment time we will check your all work and will also check that you have done your work in correct way or not?
  5. If we will found you have not done your work in correct way and you are just submitting same message daily then your account can be disable any time.
  6. Email will go only in our given email id. You can't send email to any other email id.
  7. For doing email sending job you have to open this website and your this account in smart mobile phone only. Without smart mobile phone you can't do the job.


We have mention all instruction and work here in website. So please read everything carefully before starting the work.

In many companies the customer is interested in receiving mails and their discounts for the latest products. At the same time, the companies as well collect the details of the customers their address, email address, contact phone numbers and the time availability of the customers to speak with customers. But above all, the customers are interested in receiving only emails from these companies; they are not interested to receive sms or phone calls regarding any offer from the companies. In this connection, all the mails are added in the company’s database and the same mails are received by the above company. There is no matter if the other person is receiving the above mails, because the offer is available only for the people who receive the email from the promotional companies. There are many products are sold only through emails for this reason the above company is calling freelance workers to send mails, the worker is going to send mails all over the world customers. The worker is not going to draft a letter, already the letters are given by the clients, only the content should have to be pasted and sent for the each customer separately at times bulk mails for overall customers.

By the way these companies are getting more business apart from their regular sales, therefore, the email sending has become a part of the business for all companies, At the same time, only the interested customers are expecting the mails from the above companies, only they are opening the mails and availing the privileges offered by the above companies. The child needs napkins more and more, the mother is not able to buy them in the original price, at the same time, the companies are selling when a month many babies are getting birth at the high price, when the birth percentage is low, the price is reduced and the offers are sent to the customers for buying the children napkins, this way, the company is selling always with profit by the way, the company is offering money to send emails to the customers.

The customer is buying the cheap products and thanking the company for providing such opportunity through email, therefore, the customers are always checking their mails to buy the products at the cheap rate. The companies are glad in selling their product at all the time even at the out of season; this is high benefit for the total sales of the company made for the year. At times the coupons are sent through the emails, if the customer is not using the coupons he is permitted to send those coupons for his friends and relatives, the customer is growing the relationship with his friends and relatives by offering these coupons to them.

This kind of business is healthy business and the business is happy for finding this option for selling the product or service at anytime. The email is received by the customer at anytime but the customer is opening the mail when he is free to read and have the concession from the products. This way, the customers are availing the best opportunities, a person should have to understand only limited customers are benefitted by this way, not all the customers. The customer who is buying a product at the concessional rate he is proud to inform others. The new customer is glad about this, and while shopping next time, he is offering his email address to the companies to send the offers through the email, by this way, the mails are collected in millions in a day, and the offers are sent to millions of people in a day. This is a big business cycle and only wise person could use the advantage. The above company is providing an opportunity to send emails from the workers home, they are doing the job when they are finding the free time for the above purpose.